Are You On-Course? We all possess unique natural talents and gifts. Each talent and each gift serves a purpose for higher good for us individually as well as for other people.

Are You On-Course?

Too often, too many of us are not tapping into, using, or sharing the talents and gifts we possess. We call this ‘withholding.’ At times, we have all withheld our talents and gifts either consciously or unconsciously. Sometimes we are even unaware of the talents and gifts that we possess.

When we truly have tapped into our personal resources and express and share our talents and gifts, we are on-course. Being on-course is about fulfilling one’s destiny. Being on-course is about being and feeling ‘on-purpose.’

Living life ‘on-course’ is typified by a feeling of enthusiasm.

We feel inspired. Creativity seems effortless. As a result, we not only give joy to ourselves, but through sharing, we give joy to others.

How many lives you positively affect by expressing and sharing your gifts and talents is of no real consequence. In fact, you can, if you so choose, simply share your talents and gifts with yourself.

No matter how you express yourself, if it gives you a true sense of satisfaction and joy, then you are “on-course.”

For example, we both love to cook and to garden. This doesn’t mean we have to start a catering service or landscaping business (although they could be a possibility). It does however, demonstrate other ways, besides coaching, that we stay “on-course.” We are enthusiastic and inspired by both cooking and landscaping. The joy we feel is similar to our experiences we have when we assist you through coaching to be “on-course,” too.

So how does anyone know if he or she is “on” or “off” course in life? To figure it out is pretty simple: if you are enthusiastic about your life and its’ content, most of the time, then you are “on-course.” If, however, you are lacking enthusiasm, then you are likely to be “off-course.”

Here are some ways to get back on track and on-course in your life:

#1. Write down everything you love to do and are passionate about. Don’t worry about how good you are at “this” or “that” or your level of expertise.

#2. Now write down how you can apply these talents and gifts in ways that enrich your lives and possibly the lives of other people.

#3. Next, write down every excuse you can come up with that tells you to not express yourself through these talents and gifts. Don’t emotionalize this; just write it down.

#4. At the bottom of your “excuse” list write the following: “I now choose to believe that I can achieve whatever I desire if I follow my heart. By following my heart I will always live my life “on-course.”

#5. Return to item #2 above and select one item that resonates with you and commit now to incorporate it into your life by pursuing it enthusiastically. You have nothing to lose and quite possibly a lot of joy to gain.

Being ‘on-course’ can rapidly change your life path and destiny. As we have said so often: “You are one decision away from changing the quality of your life!”

Are you seeking assistance with getting back on-course in your life? Contact us to explore your options.

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay – The Possibility Coaches™
© Possibility Coaches, LLC

4 thoughts on “Are You On-Course?

  1. […] The opportunity to stop and regroup emotionally and physically is critical. It is a point in time, wherever we find ourselves on the life journey, when we literally have the option to utilize the greatest gift that was given to us as human beings: the gift of choice. […]

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