Finding Your Life Purpose. Beyond your current circumstances lies your true power. That power is your true purpose. Nothing or no one will ever provide you with your true purpose because your one and only purpose is an ‘inside job.’

Finding Your Life Purpose

‘Tell Me My Purpose!’ These are the words that we have heard so often from coaching clients. These are the words of everyday people, from different backgrounds and with different careers. Yet, they all expressed feelings of inadequacy, emptiness and most of all, a lack of purpose. We have all thought at one time or another: ‘What is my purpose in life?’ ‘Why am I here?’ ‘There must be more to my life than just this!’

Truthfully, we all get caught up in the routines that life offers us on a daily basis. In fact, we tend to get so caught up into this frenzied vortex of being busy and anxious, that life seems to exist without any real significance.

You may feel like ‘my life is passing me by.’ Or, you may feel trapped: in a dead-end job, a struggling relationship or a difficult financial situation.

You may be obsessed with doing, doing, doing and not seeing the results of all your ‘hard work.’ Or, you may feel bored to death with your life and the daily grind.

You may believe if ‘I had more money my life would have a greater purpose.’ You could do more and have more. Or, you currently have financial prosperity and security, yet, feel unfulfilled. Your life lacks meaning.

Each of us has the same inner purpose. It has nothing to do with what we do or what we have. It has everything to do with who we are. And, who are we?

There is no absolute answer to this question. We can only say in relative terms who we think or believe we are. This is where you may get ‘tripped up.’

Some of you may say, ‘I am a spiritual being having a human experience.’ Someone else will say, ‘I’m a child of God.’ Another person may chime in, ‘I am part of the hologram that makes up the entire Universe.’ And, we may even hear these words, ‘I don’t know who I am.’

Relatively speaking, these responses to the question ‘Who am I?’ are all true. Yet, it is interesting to realize that striving to discover who you are may very well be the cause of your ‘problems’ and emotional turmoil.

Could giving up the need to know who you are lead you directly to your true inner purpose for being alive right now?

You may be skeptical; however, the answer is a resounding ‘YES!’ Your purpose, like everyone’s purpose, is to awaken. What does it mean to ‘awaken.’

To awaken implies that on some level we are asleep. To awaken is to become aware, to become conscious. Aware of what? That you have been asleep and now is the time to wake up. This is the ultimate realization of the human experience: remembering that you are part of the whole. And what is the ‘whole?’ For lack of a better term, let’s call it ‘Universal Intelligence.’

You’re struggling with your life, your relationships, your circumstances and situations for one reason and one reason only: you have forgotten that you are a piece of the Universal Intelligence.

We are like amnesia victims who have forgotten their names and the memories of their life experience. Yet, this type of amnesia goes beyond this lifetime or any lifetime for that matter. The goal then, is to realign yourself with the Intelligence that lives within you. This is a process, an inner journey. In spiritual terms it is called ‘coming home.’

When you allow yourself to reconnect with this power within you, your life takes on a whole new dimension. Rather than living a life that lacks purpose, you begin to live a new, refreshing life that is on purpose.

Typically, this inner journey doesn’t take a day or two to complete. How long it takes is up to you. The process is about seeing yourself and the world differently.

You can call it a ‘shift in consciousness.’ We like to simply call it ‘awareness.’ When we become aware of ourselves and the world and our essential nature as Universal Intelligence, a profound change occurs.

This awareness, however, requires presence. Presence is the letting go of the past and the ceasing of worrying about the future.

And now you may be thinking, ‘I have so much stuff to let go of from my past and my life is such a mess. So, how can I not worry about the future?’

If you are overwhelmed by your past and future, it is because your mind, like all minds, can only think in terms of past and future. To know yourself and your purpose requires you to move away from thinking and being trapped by the voices in the head to having greater awareness and presence.

When we have presence we live in the ‘now,’ this moment. We are no longer oriented or attached to the past or the future. That is thinking. Thinking is highly over-rated. With greater and heightened levels of awareness, you begin to think less. Does that make you nervous?

If it does, let’s look at it this way: your best thinking got you to where you are today! If you are unhappy and dissatisfied with the results, perhaps it is time to consider an alternative approach.

Awareness is essentially the absence of thought. Imagine your mind no longer experiencing the endless chatter, the never-ending stories, scenarios and nightmares that have seemed to plague you as far back as you can remember!

It is possible! This, friends, is true empowerment. This is your one and only purpose. Empowerment is the joy of being, regardless of what is happening all around you. It is what Einstein meant when he declared, ‘I want to know the mind of God! The rest are details.’

What is the ‘mind of God?’ Consciousness. And, where do you find this consciousness? Look within. Who possesses this consciousness? You do, and so does everyone else.

When you become conscious, you will be living your life’s purpose. What you ‘do’ beyond that can be called your outer purpose. When you awaken and become aware from within, your outer purpose becomes less significant than it was before. And why is that?

Because, when you realign yourself with Universal Intelligence your life will be infused with joy, enthusiasm and a new zest for living life on your new, empowered terms. Now, how would that feel? Can you imagine living life this way?

Living your life this way is available to you right now. There are no steps to get you there. All that is required of you is this: a willingness to awaken, the courage to go through the process and the patience to allow your inner transformation to occur on its’ own time schedule.

So, you wanted to know your purpose. To joyfully experience life is your one and only purpose. What you do throughout your day is a result of the joy you feel. What happens to you will likely change over time, yet your experience of being aware, conscious and realigned to who you are will never change…no matter what ‘happens.’

Knowing your purpose is ninety percent of the journey. The rest of the way is simple, yet not always easy. The only roadblocks are the ones your mind creates. We call that ‘resistance.’

For now, be open to giving up resistance. Your willingness is enough of an accelerator at this point to create positive changes in your life. Open your arms! Get ready to receive. Experience the peace and joy. Now, tell us, do you know your purpose?

Are you ready to learn more about living your life on purpose and being more joyful, enthusiastic and happy? Contact us for an introductory ‘Live Your Dream Life Coaching Session.’

Written by Jon Satin and Chris Pattay, The Possibility Coaches™
©Possibility Coaches LLC

One thought on “Finding Your Life Purpose

  1. […] When we truly have tapped into our personal resources and express and share our talents and gifts, we are on-course. Being on-course is about fulfilling one’s destiny. Being on-course is about being and feeling ‘on-purpose.’ […]

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