Living an Empowered, Inspired, Joy-filled Life!
365 Daily Tips to Get You There!
In this book, Jon and Chris show you that it is truly possible to live an inspired, empowered, and joy-filled life! Happiness, fulfillment, and peace of mind are not destinations. They are our natural state of being.
Daily use of The 365 Daily Tips will assist you to break through the barriers that are holding you back from creating and living the life you deserve! These tips create solutions for anyone seriously seeking to improve their life and their relationships! Each tip provides the potential for you to awaken to all of the possibilities that life has to offer. Applying any one of the 365 suggestions in this book to your routine today can have a profound and positive effect on the life you live tomorrow!
Sample tips from the book
“Keep on loving today!”
No matter how your day evolves, focus on the power of love. Even if you are feeling down and out for the count, know that love and being loving is the only way to rise above any situation. When tomorrow comes, the current events of your life will be fleeting memories of the past.
Surround your current circumstances and yourself with love today.
“Be open to being less controlling today!”
Select one person, situation or outcome in your life that you are attempting to manipulate and let them or it go. Commit to this for 24 hours. Just one day! Tomorrow see if you awaken less drained, more energized, relaxed and even at peace.
Let go of being controlling today and begin the process of trusting that all is well in your world.
“To have a winning life today you must first stop whining!”
Being a victim prevents you from moving forward and living a happy, fulfilled life. When you blame and complain you give your power away to people, events and circumstances. That is called self-disempowerment. Reverse the process and become empowered.
Take responsibility today and begin the process of winning in the game of life.
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verifiedBest Daily Tips Book Available Anywhere
There is a part of you deep inside that knows you can manifest amazing things if you could just stay positive and face each day with the idea that holds great opportunities! You try but usually wind up getting side-tracked by negativity around you. This book provides inspirational and thought-provoking daily tips to help you stay focused! Get this book and let The Possibility Coaches inspire you every day! These tips are truly thought-provoking. I typically read one per day and refer to it many times throughout the day. It helps me stay centered. I hope they write more like this one!
Straight-forward, uncomplicated, insightful tips for living each day with purpose!
A must-have for anyone interested in living their precious gift of life with the most fulfillment possible (and who isn't?!). 365 un-fussy tips on approaching each day conscientiously. It never stops amazing me how that day's tip is EXACTLY what I needed most in seizing that particular day. I'm grateful everyday for Chris and Jon's sage, loving, unpretentious approach. I want to give a copy to everyone I care about. I may need a second copy soon because mine is already "well-loved".
verifiedA wake up call......
Given today's society, the demands on all of us to produce, succeed and juggle many different things at once, we will all quickly lose sight and focus as to what is really important and the things that make us feel rewarded. "The Possibility Coaches' Guide To Living and Inspired, Empowered, and Joy-filled Life!" gives me a daily tip that helps me regain focus, target my energies, and allows me to savor the rewards the I achieve each day. It allows me to grow more as a person, as a manager, and as a husband by keeping me focused on what the driving forces in my life truly are and the impact that I have on others. It is my wake up call to how I lost that focus priori to reading this book. Thank you Jon and Chris for sharing these tips with us.
A Great Way to Start My Day......
When I received my copy of the book, I immediately placed it on my bedside table. What a great way to start my day! Reading my "daily tip" allows me to look deep within myself and begin my day with inspirational thoughts. Who doesn't have time to read a paragraph a day? It can change your life. Thank you Jon and Chris for writing this "awakening" book.
Perfect Wisdom
This book is perfect for daily inspiration, you can follow it chronologically or just open a page and get a wonderful positive guidance each day. I highly recommend it to anyone that needs to make the switch from negative thoughts to positive ones, and one day at the time you will see your thought process changing naturally to open mindedness and positivity. Enjoy it as much as I am.
verifiedGreat Daily Read
This is a great book to read daily!! I use it every day as part of my practice and just open it to whatever page feels right and it is always uplifting and helpful. Chris and Jon really hit a nerve with this book and I can't imagine anyone that couldn't benefit from reading it. What a great gift for someone that you care about!!
verifiedWords to Live By
It's amazing how these tips assist in shaping your day and setting your mind on creating positive encounters. One of the things I've learned, through the use of this book, is that true joy comes through your relationships and encounters and Living an Inspired, Empowered and Joy-filled Life is like a light on the path that leads you there. Thanks Jon and Chris!
verifiedA must read for everyone!
The Possibility Coaches' Guide is a book for everyone, regardless of age, experience, level of learning and knowledge, and background. The tips for each day are "truths" in that very sense. They are the honest, loving, inspiring and thought provoking tips that we should all be reading, remembering and reviewing every day. They force us to look at ourselves, to be truthful with our hearts, and the result is that they really can move each individual towards a more empowered and joy-filled life. Simply exquisite.
verifiedWise tips from wise coaches
This book is a gem, put together by coaches with kindness and integrity. Each tip comes from their wealth of experience and years of working with people in powerful ways. Some of the tips I know, I remember, or have seen. Others are new ways of looking at things. All of them, put together in this volume start out my day in positive ways. A valuable tool for creating your highest potential.