Business & Entrepreneurship Coaching

Business and Entrepreneurship Coaching

Consider The Possibility Coaches Business Coaching Program

Our business and entrepreneurial coaching philosophy is: the key to success in business is about ethics, integrity, building strong & healthy relationships, and being of service.

Jon and Chris will demonstrate to you how to take your business to the next level by developing a healthier mindset and tapping into your wisdom to create a successful and profitable business.

They will also assist you to create a successful business that is based in collaboration, cooperation, mutual respect and strong relationships.

Who and what dictates your level of success in business?

If your answer: isn't me & my relationships, then you aren't maximizing your own capability for true, authentic success. This is called leadership. They will teach you how to 'lead by example' so you achieve greater results in your business.

The Possibility Coaches Business Coaching Program will guide you to tap into your wisdom, awareness and ability necessary for you to achieve greater success through improved relationships with clients/customers, employees/coworkers and management/teams.

Success is a process and a journey - not a payoff. On this journey, it's important for you to be in the driver's seat. You will meet challenges and resistance along the way; however, Jon and Chris will show you how turning obstacles into opportunities is the key to creating success.

Jon and Chris' coaching strategies will help you create:

  • An environment of collaboration & cooperation.
  • Mutually beneficial relationships.
  • Mastery of the Art of Peaceful Confrontation.
  • Greater self-discipline and emotional balance.
  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Improved communication and listening skills.
  • Strong leadership traits and characteristics.
  • Mastery of being more productive and more pro-active.
  • The ability to be more responsive rather than reactive.
  • The power of focus during pressure situations.
  • Self-empowering beliefs that are in alignment with personal and business goals.

Success in business is knowing the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

Knowledge is facts, figures and thinking. Knowledge is limiting. Wisdom is a higher capacity than knowledge. Wisdom supports creativity and expansion. It's about creating a heart-centered environment. Wisdom is listening to the gut and producing results that reflect a genuine sense of service.

Jon and Chris will guide you to differentiate between the two and help you tap into your wisdom to achieve greater success.

As an entrepreneur, executive or manager, you carry a set of inner beliefs, habits and behaviors in to the business environment. This also includes personal challenges that may be occurring at home. These challenges can and will adversely affect job performance, business results and the productivity of those in your circle of influence.
Do you know what has the greatest impact on your companies results? It's not your products, not your marketing and not overall economic conditions. It's the emotional health and well-being of the individual mindsets that make up your business team.

A healthy mindset promotes a healthy environment, and a healthy environment promotes desired results financially, emotionally and physically for your company.

Customized Programs Jon and Chris offer at your location or via Zoom, your option:

  • One-on-One Business and Entrepreneurial Coaching
  • Mastermind Groups and Group Coaching
  • Workshops and Seminars
  • Classes and programs tailored to your specific requirements
  • The Blueprint For Living Program

Schedule your one-on-one Business Growth Consultation

Jon Satin MBA, and Chris Pattay BBA transitioned out of Corporate America in 1991. They went on to build three successful businesses. Founding The Possibility Coaches in 2002, they have coached business owners with national and international organizations, as well as small business owners and sole proprietors.

They have personally built their own national sales team and have coached thousands of people in the areas of success, leadership, self-confidence, self-esteem and empowerment. With over 25 years of business and entrepreneurial experience & relationship building, they truly understand the process of authentic success.

They are authors of the highly acclaimed book: The Possibility Coaches Guide to Living an Inspired, Empowered and Joy-filled Life! 365 Daily Tips to get You There!

Jon and Chris offer virtual coaching services worldwide or at your location. Daytime and evening hours are available. They also conduct workshops, seminars, retreats, and online classes.

"Business Coaching with The Possibility Coaches was the best decision we ever made. We wouldn’t even be in business today if it wasn’t for Jon and Chris.

Prior to coaching with Jon and Chris, as business owners, we struggled with cash flow, client follow-up, building our staff, getting new accounts, time management, and employee morale.

We saw results after our first coaching session with Jon and Chris! We now have a productive and motivated staff. Incredibly, despite a bad economy, we doubled our business in one year.

The Possibility Coaches have opened doors for our company that we never knew existed!"

- Marc Mancinelli and Scott Paul, Owners - Mancinelli & Paul Builders