What is Responsibility? The world is full of extreme examples and different viewpoints on the subject of responsibility.

What is Responsibility?

We all know someone who is considered to be on the side of irresponsible. We also know people who feel responsible for everyone and everything. They are the ones who appear to be carrying the world on their shoulders.

What is Responsibility?

Who and what we are each responsible for appears to be a gray area for most people. Typically, the state of our emotions dictates who and what we believe and feel responsible for.

As Life and Relationship Coaches, Chris and I break responsibility down to its’ most common denominator. This is the last word you will ever need when it comes to how you view the idea of responsibility in your life.

The level of responsibility present in your life and relationships, and how you respond, is directly related to the presence, power and role guilt plays in your life. If feeling guilty is a big player in your life, then responsibility is more than likely wearing you down. On the other hand, if you tend to lean toward irresponsibility, you more than likely blame everyone else and circumstances for your problems and shortcomings.

Yes, responsibility looms large on a daily basis: at home, at the workplace and in business. Because it does play a major role in all in every aspect of you life and relationships. It is important that you define its parameters where you are concerned.

There are 2 questions that will arise at potentially any given time, depending on the circumstances and your state of mind. We call these 2 questions the Double Whammy questions. They are a double-whammy that can potentially cause you to emotionally derail if you have unresolved issues regarding responsibility.

These 2 questions are:

#1. What am I responsible for right now?

#2. Who am I responsible to and/or for right now?

Here is what you are, always have been and always will be responsible for: your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, words and deeds. In addition, you are responsible for how you see yourself and the world.

Conversely, here is what you are never responsible for: the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, words and deeds of other people and how others see themselves, you and the world.

In addition,  regarding who you are, always have been and always will be responsible for:  you, yourself and any person or group of people you have an agreement with, either verbal or written. You are also responsible for your children (under the age of 18) and your pets or any animals that depend on you for food, water and shelter.

Looking at responsibility this way simplifies it for you. You can begin to end the process of bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders. Or, you can begin to take back your life and relationships by being willing to take responsibility for you. When you take responsibility for you, and others begin to do the same, you become an example of  positive change in the world. You become the master of your destiny and the master of who you are becoming. You are now the CEO of You, Inc. And that’s the last word on responsibility, in your life and relationships!

Do you unnecessarily carry too much responsibility? Are you afraid to say no to others. We can assist you to create balance in your life, and also assist you to create healthy boundaries. Contact us for an introductory coaching session.

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay – The Possibility Coaches™
©Possibility Coaches, LLC

6 thoughts on “What is Responsibility?

  1. Great video and article! Thank you for your invaluable insight. This is what great books are made of!

  2. […] 8: What is my relationship with money? As Life, Relationship and Business Coaches we often discuss the clients’ relationship with money. If you live in fear, […]

  3. […] #3: Responsibility To become empowered, it is imperative that you know exactly who and what you are responsible for in […]

  4. […] includes letting go of being a victim of other people’s ideas, beliefs, words and behavior. Take responsibility for your own life. Focus on your ideas, your beliefs, the way you express yourself and your behavior. Focus on being […]

  5. […] A willingness to take full responsibility for your life and your life situation. If you are not willing to do this, then nothing will ever […]

  6. […] for you own life and begin to feel more empowered. For a more detailed explanation on responsibility see our blog on this […]

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