Your Power is in Your Peace! These are the words I heard my success coach speak 15 years ago at a seminar he hosted in New York City.

Your Power is in Your Peace!

Your power is in your peace. I had never heard such words ever spoken until that time. Yet, it is those very words that have transformed my life, Chris’ life and the lives of many others who we have guided over the years to live life authentically and on their own terms.

The late Dr. Wayne Dyer (one of my personal heroes on this journey called “the human experience”) wrote a book called There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem (and I highly recommend it!). The title of this book is not just an opinion presented by the author; it is a statement of absolute truth. Your mind may attempt to refute it and even deny it. The truth is however, whatever the challenge: be it physical, emotional, financial or relational, the solution is always spiritual.

A spiritual solution is different than a religious solution. Religious solutions are predicated on dogma, laws, and long-standing rites and traditions. They may or may not serve a purpose in your life. Regardless, they are decidedly different than spiritual solutions.

Spiritual solutions come from within. No one is excluded from accessing them. They are all of ours for the asking. All we need to do is ask.

So, where does your peace fit in to all of this? The answer, from my own personal experiences, is that peace plays the primary role in our quest for receiving solutions to all of our worldly “problems.”

As a spiritual solution, being at peace simply means we live in the present moment. We are unfettered by the mind chatter: the onslaught of thoughts presented to us by the voices in the head.

When we are present, we live in the now. We become open vessels to receive inner wisdom: a spiritual solution that provides each of us with a plan of action that can remedy any challenge we may face.

If you find yourself challenged with understanding the concept of the present moment or experiencing its’ enormous power, have faith that you can understand and experience it. If you cannot do so now it only means that you, like most people, are at the mercy of your thinking mind.

To spiritually reclaim yourself, to be truly who you are, requires a commitment to experiencing inner peace. Without this commitment, you will continue to be at the mercy of what happens all around you as a victim of circumstance for the rest of your life.

Most of us, over a lifetime of hurts and disappointments, have developed a hard shell: an unseen protective coating that we each build around us to stave off physical, mental and emotional pain. This shell, in reality, actually prevents us from genuinely experiencing life passionately. It also prevents us from experiencing our true nature which is essentially composed of peace, love, compassion, kindness and good-will.

To experience the power of peace therefore requires us to realize that what happens to us has nothing to do with who we truly are. This realization is spiritual in nature. It is also a process that requires perseverance, patience, courage and faith.

Your power is in your peace. Peace is the greatest gift you can give yourself and to the world. You see, when you are at peace, your presence becomes infectious in a really healthy way. People love being in your company. They feel your higher energy. They want what you have and the truth is you can share your peace with them by being present for them when they, too, are faced with the challenges and rigor of every day human existence.

Ask for and receive the Gift of Peace. Remember, it is a power that lives within you. It is always accessible to you. All you have to do is ask and be open to receiving it. Commit to making inner peace a priority today.

Written by: Jon Satin

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay – The Possibility Coaches
©Possibility Coaches, LLC

2 thoughts on “Your Power is in Your Peace!

  1. […] and overloaded? Or do you want people to remember you for how joyful you made the holidays, or even how joyful you were. Think about that for a minute. What type of holiday legacy traditions do you want to leave? […]

  2. […] is the time for each of us to contribute to the emergence of a massive, positive transformation within ourselves and in our society. To do so requires each of us to see and acknowledge that […]

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