6 Steps to Achieving Inner Peace. To be an experienced and formidable guide as a Life Coach, and create inner peace, requires the Coach himself/herself to be willing to go through any process to create positive change that he/she is recommending to their clients.

6 Steps to Achieving Inner Peace

Over the last decade, Chris and I have done exactly that: a process of transformation that has provided us with the ability and expertise to understand every human condition.

Each of us, though the names, faces, stories and situations may appear to be different, is seeking the same end result. That end result is a return to our natural state of being, and for each of us that natural state is inner peace.

We all aspire to have inner peace. For me, it appeared to be just in my grasp, yet so elusive for so many years. It was not until I learned that if it was to be peace for me, it was up to me.

Like unconditional love, inner peace is not some condition we achieve by creating what we want for and in our lives. No material thing, no amount of money, no ‘perfect’ partner, no dream job can provide you with inner peace. Yet, we are conditioned to search and seek outside ourselves for everything to complete us: be it love, happiness, success, and yes, even peace of mind.

meditationMany people, in search of peace, have decided to drop out from the mainstream, believing it is the world that blocks and prevents them from experiencing inner peace. Some will give it all up and move to some distant place that is remote and sparsely populated. Others, will go to an ashram, a monastery, or some other form of communal living where worldly possessions are visibly absent. In the most extreme cases, the search for peace may lead someone to the streets. Appearing lost forever, they become our homeless; shunned and feared by most of us because let’s face it: that man sleeping on the park bench could easily be you or me!

For those individuals who move away from society, there exists a belief that inner peace is not achievable if one remains a part of the dysfunctional whole. This belief, I am happy to say, is not the truth. Inner peace is just that: it is an inside job that has nothing to do with external factors or forces.

At this point, I know you may be thinking: Well, Jon, it’s easy for you to say that my being at peace should not be affected by my current circumstances. However, you don’t understand. I just lost my job! My wife left me! My kids won’t talk to me! I have debt up to my eyeballs, and you want me to be at peace?

And to that I respond, absolutely, yes! You see, it is peace that is your solution to your so-called problems. It is peace that will ground you, give you clarity and empower you. It is peace that will change your perspective and assist you to realize what’s really important to you.

So, how do you get there? To the place or state of peace, that is. Achieving inner peace is a process that has very specific requirements for us to fulfill. As I have journeyed through this process over the last decade, I found that these requirements are:

1. Be open to being at peace.

2. Be open and willing to let go of the past.

3. Be open and willing to cease worrying about the future

4. Focus on being present and living in the now.

5. Become totally aware of how you may block peace from entering your life and becoming your dominant emotional state, and the most significant requirement of all…

6. Forgiveness: of others and most of all, yourself.

Steps to Inner PeaceUltimately, through forgiveness, all the requirements for peace I listed above, will be fulfilled. These six requirements are not in any sequential order. In fact, the process is one which all the requirements are simultaneously met and experienced. As you go through the process, you will experience different levels of peace. You will realize during some fleeting moment that peace is becoming, by degree, your dominant emotional state. It is what I call the realization of how far I have come!

And now you may be thinking: Well, this all sounds great, but how do I get to feeling inner peace if I don’t have a clue on how to get there?

Understand, this is a process. Up until this point, you went through a process, that over time, has created inner turmoil. That, until now, has been your endeavor. You have been an unwilling traveler, duped into believing there is honor and nobility in struggle, chaos and suffering. You can now become the willing traveler who is open and ready to end the struggle, chaos and pain.

Forgiveness and self-forgiveness, which are the ultimate solutions for achieving inner peace, is the end result of what Chris and I call ‘The Process of Emotional Healing.’

Our gift to you. Download your copy of Breaking The Chain of Emotional Pain.

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay – The Possibility Coaches™
©Possibility Coaches, LLC

21 thoughts on “6 Steps to Achieving Inner Peace

  1. […] during the process of creating personal change and transformation and the ultimate achievement of inner peace.  Chris and I have adopted the model using  the concepts in that model and enhancing it to […]

  2. Meditation activate mysteriously to give inner peace and vision to see universal reality

  3. […] to be motivated if you are not sure regarding the direction of your corporation?  To possess inner peace and turn into productive in business, abide by these […]

  4. […] to be motivated when you are doubtful about the direction of your corporation?  To possess inner peace and become successful in business, follow these […]

  5. […] Tip# 4: Let People Be! What does that mean? During the holidays, we all tend to be around more people than usual. Grumpy Uncle Harry that you only see once a year. Or your daughters’ slug of a boyfriend. Remember, you can’t change people and it’s not your place to change them. Let them be and the holidays will be over before you know it. One of the most effective ways to make the personality conflicts dissolve during the holiday gatherings is to ‘give up your right to be right’. By that I mean, don’t engage in arguments. Just say ‘Uncle Harry, you’re absolutely right about that. Thanks for pointing that out to me. I never thought of it that way before.’ Trust me, Uncle Harry won’t know what to do with this and it will diffuse an argument before it even gets started. This then may be the first time an unruly, opinionated relative didn’t have anything to say! When in doubt, always remember this: the ones that are the most difficult to love, are the ones that need it the most! Especially during the holidays adults can seem to act like needy children striving for your love and attention in any way they can get it. Love them anyway! Once you get this, you will have a stress free holiday! […]

  6. […] this: the most powerful possession you will always have is your peace! To achieve inner peace you must be willing to let go of all external goals other than being of service to the world. Your […]

  7. […] this: the most powerful possession you will always have is your peace! To achieve inner peace you must be willing to let go of all external goals other than being of service to the world. Your […]

  8. […] and inner peace are the most memorable and powerful gifts we can give any time of the year. All other gifts, […]

  9. […] “There is no way to peace because peace is the only way.” Global peace is the only way. Global peace begins with inner peace. […]

  10. […] go is magnificent! Letting go is spectacular! Letting go is experiencing true inner peace. What would you rather have? Anger or peace? Anxiety or peace? Despair or peace? Being right or […]

  11. […] go is magnificent! Letting go is spectacular! Letting go is experiencing true inner peace. What would you rather have? Anger or peace? Anxiety or peace? Despair or peace? Being right or […]

  12. […] “There is no way to peace because peace is the only way.” Global peace is the only way. Global peace begins with inner peace. […]

  13. […] One of the most effective ways to make the personality conflicts dissolve during the holiday gatherings is to ‘give up your right to be right’. By that I mean, don’t engage in arguments. Just say ‘Uncle Harry, you’re absolutely right about that. Thanks for pointing that out to me. I never thought of it that way before.’ Trust me, Uncle Harry won’t know what to do with this and it will diffuse an argument before it even gets started. This then may be the first time an unruly, opinionated relative didn’t have anything to say! When in doubt, always remember this: the ones that are the most difficult to love, are the ones that need it the most! Especially during the holidays, adults can seem to act like needy children striving for your love and attention in any way they can get it. Love them anyway! Once you get this, you will have a stress free holiday! […]

  14. […] during the process of creating personal change and transformation and the ultimate achievement of inner peace. Chris and I have adopted the model using  the concepts in that model and enhancing it to develop […]

  15. […] or become apathetic. Acceptance is something we do for ourselves so that we can gain a level of inner peace and calmness. By accepting a situation as “temporary,” we can create an inner space where […]

  16. […] giving yourself permission to experience happiness, inner peace and success, you will literally change your genetic makeup and DNA. Don’t take our word for it: […]

  17. […] I had a son, I would emphasize to him the importance of knowing inner peace because inner peace is the key to a peaceful, happier, successful life. I would teach him that to […]

  18. […] The conscious awareness of the power of love, which in connected through all life, is the miracle to transform your life to one of inner peace. […]

  19. […] and inner peace are the most memorable and powerful gifts we can give any time of the year. All other gifts, […]

  20. […] during the process of creating personal change and transformation and the ultimate achievement of inner peace. Chris and I have adopted the model using  the concepts in that model and enhancing it to develop […]

  21. […] for and receive the Gift of Peace. Remember, it is a power that lives within you. It is always accessible to you. All you have to do […]

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