Letting Go Leads to Real Freedom! If you’re like me and are consciously focusing on your own spiritual awakening, then you are familiar with the term ‘letting go.’

Letting Go Leads to Real Freedom

It’s been talked about, written about and made to be the ultimate goal for all spiritual seekers.

Yet, what exactly does the term ‘letting go’ mean? What is required of each us as we go through and experience the letting go process?

I have found that for so many, the process of letting go seems daunting, scary, frustrating and endless.

I’ve been asked countless times: “Does letting go have to be so difficult?” My answer is always a resounding ‘no!’

When we begin to realize that we each are in control of our own destinies and the choices that we make, we awaken to the truth that we can decide in any given moment to let go.

And, what is it that we are letting go of? The answer can be long. Too long, in fact to write about it; however, the process of letting go is always about giving up one misconception that most of us have about ourselves.

And that misconception is that there is something ‘wrong’ with us. That somehow, we are fundamentally flawed.

It is that belief that prevents us from completely letting go, because it is only when we let go, we can see our perfection and magnificence.

So letting go is simply the process by which we awaken to who we truly are. The truth that we are all special and awesome is scary for most of us, especially when we have been lying to ourselves for so long.

And what are the lies we tell ourselves? For starters: not good enough, something wrong with me, not good looking, not smart enough, not rich enough. Get the picture? The lies we tell ourselves are always about some deficiency or lack that deems us less than worthy: of happiness, success, joy and love, just to name a few items that seems so unattainable and of which we believe we are so undeserving.

Letting go is about surrendering to the truth which coincides with giving up the lies we tell ourselves or the lies others told us and we bought into.

The process of letting go challenges us because it is not a physical process; it’s an emotional one. Now that’s what scares us!

Most of us would sooner deal with being challenged physically than being challenged emotionally. And why is that? Because our emotions are directly linked to our thoughts and beliefs and our thoughts and beliefs are who we think and believe we really are. This is called our identity.

When we let go of our thoughts and beliefs, which includes our entire history, we can actually fear our own annihilation. It is like a death of sorts, only you do not die in the physical, bodily sense. What dies are the stories and along with that is the dissolution and disappearance of all our negative emotions like anger, despair, apathy, fear, anxiety, the right to be right, to name just a few examples.

The truth is that no one can create anger, resentment, worry or any other negative emotion within you or me. Only you and I can do that by virtue of how we process the world.

Letting go is available to each of us. This is every human’s karmic destiny and path. You can walk the path courageously or take a lifetime of detours that cause you a great deal of pain and suffering.

To begin to let go requires your willingness. For some of us, that willingness may not come easy. After all, we each invest so much time and effort into our identity and who we think we are. The truth is, who would you and I be without our identities?

Who are you without your name, your social security number, your job, your family, your possessions? Scary questions to ask, aren’t they? Maybe not. When we begin to peel away the layers of conditioning which includes so much negativity and self-limiting beliefs, we begin to realize that who we think we are may not be who we truly are at all.

Surrendering to the process of letting go is like a peeling-away process. I have likened the process to peeling an onion. Try it sometime and notice how many layers the onion has. We humans are very similar. We have many layers to each of us; in a real sense we are multidimensional. Yet, much of that depth and complexity is clouded by a multitude of misconceptions and misinterpretations.

When we live our lives this way, we are misled to believe that this is who we are and that this is just the way it is. Nothing is farther from the truth!

Letting go is magnificent! Letting go is spectacular! Letting go is experiencing true inner peace. What would you rather have? Anger or peace? Anxiety or peace? Despair or peace? Being right or being at peace? The more we let go, the more peace we experience because we spend more of our life being present rather than living in the past or future.

These are decisions we each have to make when we choose to consciously participate in the ‘letting go’ process. It is about choosing inner peace as your one and only goal. Despite where you are now and how you may be feeling, know that inner peace is your true natural state. With inner peace we experience love and with love we experience the joy of life. The sages call this ‘heaven on earth.’

I am passionate about personally experiencing heaven on earth and assisting others to experience it, too. Above all else, when I do experience it, I know that all other experiences are simply poor imitations. As I let go of the stories and all that is attached to them, I know who I am. Who I am and who you are is the same. We are all one and all connected. When you can absolutely get that concept at the deepest level of your being, you have completed the ‘letting go’ process.

You believe you have challenges. You believe you have problems. You feel pain. You suffer. Like you, I have challenges, problems, pain and suffering; however, I no longer identify or confuse myself by equating the situations in my life with who I am. This is my wish for you! Can you, no, rather will you, like me, make that distinction about who you really are? When you answer ‘yes’ you have begun to understand and experience the process of letting go.

Do you want to let go of the things that no loner serve your highest good? My specialty is assisting people with the process of ‘letting go.’ Contact me for a complementary introductory session. With my support, you will begin the process of letting go!

Written by Jon Satin. Jon Satin along with Chris Pattay are The Possibility Coaches™
©Possibility Coaches LLC

7 thoughts on “Letting Go Leads to Real Freedom!

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