Empty me! What does that even mean? It means to be released of all your stress, anxiety, depression and anything else that may be holding you back from living the life you are intended to live!

Empty Me

It means you are willing to turn what you thought to be adversities into opportunities. You may be “down” now; however, it doesn’t mean you’re out for the count. To empty yourself means you are open to let go of anything that does not serve you and your highest good.

The life you are intended to live is one of brilliance & magnificence! And you say: I don’t feel it right now. You have no idea what I’m going through! And to that we say: We understand and we’ve been there! However, from our experience of being Success & Transformational Coaches for over a decade, we KNOW that there is brilliance in you that is just waiting to shine. We know it is there and we believe in you!

At times, we have gone thru our own doubts and struggles in life. Let’s face it; life hits all of us head on at times. During these times, we have found this prayer to be transformational in shifting our feelings and even our circumstances.

We share this prayer with you. Use it during challenging times in your life. Or, use it daily as a reminder of your brilliance.

Empty Me

My prayer is to be emptied of anything that would fight against my destiny. Let me leave behind any part of me that would argue for my limitations. Let me release every “but, because, maybe, and you don’t understand.” Let me truly have the courage to call upon the highest within me regardless of what those around me might say, think or do.

Instead of scaring myself, let me empty myself of all fears, hesitations and false stories. Empty me. My prayer is to be cleansed of anything that would hold me back, keep me small, or limit me in any way.

Let me release any opinions that do not serve me. I release any sense that I am responsible for judging anyone else’s business. I release any belief that I have to anticipate anyone else’s response to my actions.

Empty me of any ancestral fears of condemnation or persecution. I do not have to worry about standing out from the tribe for my tribe is infinite. I am free. I am at choice. I am able to create whatever I want from life. Now empty me of anything that is holding on to an old order. Now in this moment I am made anew. I am cleansed. I claim my perfect life NOW!

I am free from any limitations. I am emptied so that I can be filled with the power of God.

(2006/author unknown)

Contact us, we are always here to assist you on your personal development journey.

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay – The Possibility Coaches™
© Possibility Coaches, LLC

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