Takeaways from the pandemic. What’s interesting about the past years is that it felt like great change came upon the world in a way that seemed so sudden and without warning.

Takeaways from the Pandemic

Yet for most of us, the last few years have demonstrated not only how adaptable to change we really are; they also showed us how resilient we are, too.

What seemed like a time of great challenge for many became an opportunity for new adventures for others. For the two of us, the pandemic became a time to really slow down, to enjoy the time, and ultimately make the most of what we already have and be grateful for it.

We optimistically feel that the future is brighter because of the lessons we received from the pandemic. We call these lessons takeaways. Here are the takeaways the two of us received from lock-downs, face masks and vaccines.

Takeaway #1: we will never underestimate the importance of downtime ever again. Our downtime was used to inspire our creativity by cultivating new interests and building on old ones. For us it was cooking every day, filling our home with house plants, coloring, painting, gardening, lots of reading, and of course, coaching.

Takeaway #2: we learned how adaptable to change we can be no matter what the outcome may look like. Though at times it can be difficult to accept; change is constant and inevitable. The sooner we all accept this fact the quicker we reduce our levels of stress, worry, and anxiety. Accepting change is also about making the most of what we have and making the best with any specific challenges we may be facing in the moment. Adapting to change is also accomplished by opening ourselves up to reinventing some aspect of ourselves either professionally or personally. For the two of us, it was about connecting with clients exclusively on Zoom, rather than in person, individually or in the workshop/classroom settings. We’re both so grateful for technology because it allows us to continue to share our wisdom with all of you.

Takeaway #3: we also learned to have more gratitude and a greater appreciation for our health. Every day that we opened our eyes was a gift!

Takeaway #4: just when we thought we knew each other and ourselves, the pandemic showed us otherwise. Being human and enjoying life is always a work in progress. No one really makes it because there’s no it. There’s only the joy of living. That’s the singular goal we all want to have. During the pandemic, we realized that the joy of living IS the one and only true joy. And that joy is in the simple things in life. It is those simple things that assisted the two of us to know ourselves better and appreciate our individuality.

The simple things we have found to have the most lasting, profound, healthy effects on us are: meditating, journaling, exercising the body, and creating good communication channels between us and those we love. The result was the realization that it is the simple things in life that are important, and it is only those things that can give us true happiness. For truth be said: happiness is an inside job, and that was confirmed and reaffirmed for the two of us by the pandemic.

We would love to hear from you about any takeaways from the pandemic that have changed your life in a positive way. Sharing experiences is a great way to assist others to move forward even when options may seem limited. Contact us here.

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay – The Possibility Coaches™
©Possibility Coaches, LLC

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