Self Empowerment – 10 Guideposts to Live By. Self empowerment is recognizing that within each of us is the capacity and ability to live from our natural state of being. The main characteristic of this state is peace. Simply put: your power is in your peace.

Self Empowerment - 10 Guideposts to Live By

After many years of assisting hundreds of individuals as Life Coaches and Relationship Coaches, we have been able to identify what we feel are the ten essential guideposts or pillars to successfully achieving self empowerment.

Understand, that these guideposts are not steps to self-empowerment. They are more like a checklist of requirements that you want to fulfill and complete to become empowered. There is no specific order for which to apply them. In fact, they can be processes you use together, simultaneously or separately, one at a time.

We call these ten aspects or attributes of self empowerment guideposts because self empowerment is a process. Each guidepost allows you to know if you are living from a position of empowerment. In other words, whether or not you are at peace.

So here they are. They are in no specific order. Apply each of them as tools and applications to create a greater sense of empowerment in your life. By mastering these guideposts, through your willingness to change, we guarantee that you will witness both subtle and extreme shifts in your life situations and conditions, as well as in your internal state of consciousness.

Guidepost #1: Recognition:
Recognition is about seeing: to whom, what, when, and where you give your power away. You may give it to other people, to situations and experiences or all of the above. It means you are giving external factors permission to control your emotional well-being. Once you recognize your participation in this disempowering process you can begin to break the cycle. Recognition is also about seeing the talents and gifts you possess. If you are waiting for the world to recognize you, you may be waiting a very long time. You possess within you unique qualities and attributes that can guide you to feel empowered. Recognize them now!

Guidepost #2: Awareness:
Awareness is similar to recognition, yet it goes a little deeper. Awareness is the acknowledgment that you do disengage and disconnect from the power within you. It is also about defining why you disempower yourself in the first place. Most important, the guidepost of awareness is about knowing that it is quite possible to take your power back at any time you decide to do so.

Guidepost #3: Responsibility:
To become empowered, it is imperative that you know exactly who and what you are responsible for in your life. When you do not know this parameter you are likely to live life as a guilt-ridden victim of circumstances. First and foremost, take responsibility for you own life and begin to feel more empowered. For a more detailed explanation on responsibility see our blog on this subject.

Guidepost #4: Releasing the Past:
Self empowerment, which is inner peace, can only happen in the present moment or ‘now’. When you hold grudges, criticize, judge and have a long list of regrets laced with guilt, you can never be at peace. Depression is the number one symptom of someone living in the past. Be open to letting go and forgiving. If you are challenged doing this on your own, team up with a professional who has been through the process and can assist you.

Guideposts #5: Release Worrying About The Future:
Where the future and self empowerment meet is a fine line in the sand. As Life Coaches and Spiritual Teachers, here is how Chris and I see the future: you can plan for it; however, you must be open to giving up attempting to control it. Life, and what tomorrow brings you, is and always will be a mystery. Accept this truth; otherwise, you will continue to be stressed, anxious and fearful of tomorrow. Surrender to what is now and what is yet to be. Life requires risk-taking. Be open to flying with the eagles and not walking with the turkeys.

Guidepost #6: Trust:
Trust is a guidepost that moves you into the role of being a decision-maker for you and your life. Be willing to make choices and stand by them. If you do not like the results, make different choices. Trust is about having faith in the process. The process of life is always about creativity, expansion and who you are becoming. When you trust, you become more of who you authentically are. With trust you become grounded and empowered.

Guidepost #7: Cultivating a New Mindset:
Cultivating a new mindset is about your willingness to grow and expand as a human being. Observe your current, dominant thoughts, beliefs and habits. Do they serve you in a positive manner or do they keep you stuck? Cultivating a new mindset is also about acknowledging that you can control your mind and that it does not have to be the other way around. In our seminars and coaching sessions, we share a variety of mindset changing techniques that can move anyone toward a state of well-being and self-empowerment.

Guidepost #8: Share Your Greatness:
We have concluded that the process of Life goes beyond giving and receiving. It is all about sharing. If you are withholding your gifts and talents from the world and yourself, then you are preventing you from experiencing inner peace. Greatness is an active state that requires expression. Share your greatness! See greatness in others! Allow them to share with you.

Guideposts #9: Live in Alignment with Your Truth:
Most people live their life aligned to the myth that: putting myself first is selfish and self-centered. As Life Coaches, we say, as long as you don’t put you first you will never live in alignment with your truth and subsequently never be self-empowered. If you treat yourself like a second class citizen, how could you ever expect anyone else to treat you differently! Putting yourself first does not include doing so at the expense or harm of another person. It is about leading by example and doing what makes your heart sing.

Guidepost #10: Forgiveness:
All the guideposts we have listed are essential measuring sticks for inner peace and self-empowerment. If one guidepost was to standout above and beyond all the others in significance it would have to be forgiveness. Without real forgiveness, real peace remains elusive. Real forgiveness is about forgiving others. More so, it is about forgiving yourself. Each of the first nine guideposts must contain a component of real forgiveness within them to activate the state of self empowerment. That is why Chris and I call them guideposts and that is why we say they can be practiced simultaneously or in any order you choose.

The purpose of these guideposts is to assist you to live an empowered life. Remember, self-empowerment is about knowing you never lost or could lose your power. You may have simply convinced yourself that you are powerless and that your happiness and peace resides elsewhere in some future universe or dimension.

In our practice, we have witnessed radical shifts in individuals when they have followed the Ten Guideposts to Self-Empowerment. We challenge you to print this article and commit to following at least one guidepost today.

If you are having some challenges with this, we can assist you to gain a higher level of self-empowerment in your life. Contact us for an introductory coaching session.

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay – The Possibility Coaches™
©Possibility Coaches, LLC

9 thoughts on “Self Empowerment – 10 Guideposts to Live By

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  4. Im so enlighten with this blog, tanx to u guys. Depression had deprive me my hope n hapiness. Bt wit dis blog am optimistic it shall come to an end in jesus name

    1. Hello, Musa!
      We are most appreciative for your feedback and that we assisted you! Keep reading our blogs and know that you deserve to be happy. It is your birthright!

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  7. […] away from ‘doing my best’ to ‘being my best’ is a paradigm shift that results in true self-empowerment. Being your best requires you to become more inner-focused. This is not being selfish! It is […]

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