Love as a business solution. Is it possible that the power of love can be a business solution? We believe it can.

Love as a Business Solution

Most business solutions are geared to increasing the bottom line: more profits that create supposedly bigger and better outcomes.

If you are an entrepreneur or would like to be in the near future, it is important to understand why people buy.

Most customers, clients, or consumers purchase products or services on an emotional level.

Purchasers expect something in return. Yes, they are buying goods and services; however, underneath it all, they are emotionally buying YOU! They are buying your energy. They are unconsciously buying a feeling that they get when they interact with you or your product or service.

Yes, we are all in business to create financial security. Money is the energy used by most people on our planet as a means of exchange for goods and services; however, if money is your ‘why’ for being in business, then we suggest you re-think your position.

Most people believe that to be successful in business requires us to make it happen. To do this means we must buy into a belief system that says success requires long hours, hard work, staying ahead of the competition and doing whatever it takes to increase the bottom line.

The truth is that motivation for profit alone is a major contributing factor to Entrepreneurial Burnout, anxiety and failure.

The truly successful business owners and entrepreneurs are those individuals who have a variety of common traits and characteristics. These traits and characteristics typically carry a high quality energy that says ‘love is my business solution.’ Some prime contemporary examples of this love energy are Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Oprah Winfrey and the late Steve Jobs of Apple.

Here is a short list of some of the traits and characteristics that ultimately created great success for each of these individuals. Realize that they each used love, consciously or unconsciously, as their business solution.

1. Make ‘being of service’ to others the first priority.
If you are focused on ‘making money’ and ‘my reputation’ then your business and entrepreneurial experience is going to be stress-filled and problematic at best. True, you may get high marks at first; yet in the long-term you will find yourself running out of both financial and emotional steam.

By giving with a loving heart; be it yourself, your product or your service, you are establishing yourself and your business as someone who wants to be happy and fulfilled and share those feelings with others.

To genuinely be of service requires us to genuinely love people. Not in the romantic sense; more in the spiritual, humanistic way that embodies the idea of ‘loving thy neighbor as thyself.’

To reframe this concept from a business perspective, it’s about putting people first ahead of profits. People intuitively pick up when someone makes it all about the money. Businesses motivated only by money have a higher chance of failure. Greed, along with a lack of ethics and integrity, don’t sit well with most of society. Today’s pharmaceutical industry exemplifies such a state of consciousness.

Love, as a business solution, requires each of us to put people first by being of service to others, rather than focusing on what’s in it for me.

2. Doing what you love and loving what you do.
Richard Branson has said that if he isn’t having fun he stops whatever it is he is doing. When we do what we love and love what we do, the money always follows. We have found both personally and through coaching countless others, how true this statement really is. Being passionate about what you do is a key solution to business success.

If you don’t love what you are doing, ask yourself why? Are you living your dream or someone else’s? Are you in business or a particular career to please another person or get their approval?

When we are not doing what we love and loving what we do, we are in some way denying our authentic self. When we deny who we are, and this includes are true passions, we cut off the life flow that permits us to create magnificently on the physical plane.

When you infuse love into your business or career, people feel that energy. Love, like its’ opposite, fear, is infectious. Remember, people buy people. If love isn’t your guiding power then you will not experience a life well-lived. Your business, like your life, will also fall short of its true potential if love isn’t its’ one and only business solution.

3. Leading by example.
Leading by example is contrary to what most people see as strong leadership qualities. Most people confuse leadership with managing. Whether they’re business owners, business management or high profile public figures, chances are they are not exemplifying true leadership. More likely, they are running a baby-sitting service.

True leadership is about leading by example. People will do what you do, not what you say to them. It is about being an open book that allows people to discover your inner contents. This requires you to have courage and vulnerability, which are aspects of love. It is not about power struggles and always being right. It is about being honest, caring and willing to surround yourself with people who perform in the same high quality, high energy manner.

Leading by example is also about putting people first. It is about taking the focus off yourself and letting people know how much you care about them. It’s using love as a business solution because there is an understanding of the power of vision.

When multiple individuals lead by example and have the same vision, business growth naturally occurs at a rate that far exceeds expectations.

Leading by example doesn’t mean you neglect yourself either. Be willing to focus on self-care both physically and emotionally. Remember, you can’t be sick enough or poor enough to assist the less fortunate. Enhance what is going on within you and be open to helping others do the same.

4. Expressing a real sense of gratitude and appreciation toward people.
When others feel genuinely appreciated they want to be around their source of appreciation. Genuine appreciation for others, be it clients, customers, employees, and even so-called competitors, sends a clear message that you are using love as your business solution.

Here are some tips to get you started to employ love as your business solution:

=> Take your focus off of the bottom line and money. Money isn’t your problem. However, your relationship with money may be unhealthy and standing in your way of creating a real business solution.

=> Ask yourself if your business or career is in alignment with your values and true passions. If what you are currently doing is not in alignment with who you truly are, then perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your life’s journey and make some changes. It is never too late to change course.

=> Seek guidance and advice from someone you admire and respect. If you are struggling financially, physically or emotionally, do not seek help from your broke brother-in-law. Collaborate with someone who you feel has attained a high level of mastery when it comes to life, career and/or business. Pick their brains. If they employ love as their life and business solution, then they will be more than happy to share their wisdom with you.

Be open to realizing that your business success is directly affected by the energy you give it.

Whether you accept it as truth or not, love is the greatest power there is anywhere. It is the energy behind all creation. Your business is your creation! Consider infusing it with love as your one and only business solution.

As The Possibility Coaches™, Jon Satin, MBA and Chris Pattay, BBA mentor and consult with Solo-Preneurs, Entrepreneurs, Executives and Upper Management. They provide a unique and even radical approach to business success. If you are seeking a non-conventional, out-of-the-box approach to running your business or company, contact them for business coaching, consulting, mentoring or keynote speaking. To learn more about their approach and to contact them for a consultation.

Jon Satin and Chris Pattay – The Possibility Coaches™
© Possibility Coaches, LLC

9 thoughts on “Love as a Business Solution

  1. Jon and Chris, you are pioneers in a movement whose time has come.
    With all the studies of heart, passion, productivity, happiness at work you’re on to something big that when implemented by your customers will improve heart centered businesses, organizations, families and entrepreneurs at an unbelievable pace! Cheers!

    1. Ruth, thanks for your comment. Creating an open ‘heart space’ in any business is sensed by its’ customers and clients. It’s all about the energy you infuse into what you do! ~Chris and Jon

  2. Authentic, heart-based message here. Totally agree that entrepreneurial burnout comes from not doing what you love and being who and more importantly “what” you are!

    1. Travis, thanks for your feedback and comment. It’s so important in this day and age for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners to be authentic with not only their product/service but also with their message. When you are aligned with ‘who and what’ you truly are, then you have authentic success. ~Chris and Jon

  3. Chris and Jon ~ I totally agree with your premise and have seen it work over and over again in my business! Love and Being of Service to others is what it’s all about — and it’s FUN to practice business this way!!! And when you incorporate Love and Service into your business, it does become your practice.

    1. It’s awesome to see someone who has already had success with these principles! And yes…it makes conducting business more fun! Your clients/customers sense that too! ~Chris and Jon

  4. Great post guys. We speak the same language! Lead with your soul so that you make your life and your business a work of heART.

    1. Lorraine, thanks for your positive feedback. Yes, we speak the same language. It’s all about oneness and love (either in life or in business). ~Chris and Jon

  5. […] are currently facing challenges with yourself, your business or both, the good news is we have some simple solutions you can apply immediately to improve your self-confidence, self-image and your business bottom […]

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